Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 2 - Dumpster Diving

Well there really wasn't a dumpster but it was trash day in my neighborhood and I did the "unthinkable".  In front of my lady neighbor friends, I took plastic containers out of the trash!  What? They were in great condition and FREE, so now I have more containers to help organize.

Someone's Trash

Me in Action

What I came home with :)

May 1 - Pots and Pans

I was so excited to finally take the pull out drawer out of my pots and pans cabinet today.  I have never used the feature and it was just taking up valuable space in the cabinet.  So out it goes, along with some random tops and here is the organized before and after.




April 30 - Craigslist!

Today I listed 6 items for sale on Craigslist! I love Craigslist.  You have someone pay you to take away something you don't want anymore!  I mean how fun is that?

Here are a couple things I posted, wish me luck!

Friday, May 10, 2013

April 28 - Random Bathroom Basket

This basket sits to the side of my bathroom sink. I haven't cleaned out this basket in 3 years!  If I would have only cleaned out this basket earlier I would have found a brand new mascara and lip balm. Instead I had already purchased and opened a new mascara and lip gloss.  So the moral of this short story is keep things clean so you know what you have!!!

Oh, 1 more thing, one of the makeup items in this basket was at least 9 years old.  That's just crazy talk!





April 27 - The garage corner

This is the corner of my garage that is treated like a flat service - meaning everyone dumps their stuff there!   I am going to look for a small shelf for the area at our neighborhood yard sale this weekend.  I also need to find some container for the sidewalk chalk.  Until then, here is the before and after.

April 26 - Makeup Bag

I have left the guest room and the huge pile of papers.  I am so overwhelmed when I walk into that room that I just keep walking back out.  So, I decided to clean out my makeup bag instead.  According to the professionals I should only be keeping makeup for 3-6 months.  If I look in my makeup bag I see things that are over a year old.  So I went shopping and tried to clean up part of my act.


During ( Several items went into the trash)

